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Saturday, March 31, 2018

Tongue anatomy



​ Highly muscular organ of Deglutition, taste and speech.
● Divided in two parts by Sulcus
   Terminalis(V shaped) with median
   depression￾ForamenCaecum [upper end
   of embryonic thyroid diverticulum
   (thyroglossal duct).
1. oral ( presulcal) part- anterior ⅔ rd. papilla present here.
2. pharyngeal(post sulcal part)- posterior ⅓ rd. devoid of papillae.

Muscles of Tongue​:
1. Intrinsic: superior and inferior
    longitudinal, transverse and vertical
2. Extrinsic: 4 pair of muscles
    a) Genioglossus- protrude its apex from
         mouth, also diverses tongue to
         opposite side.
    b) Hyoglossus- depresses tongue.
    c) Styloglossus- up and backward
    d) Palatoglossus- elevates root of tongue.

Chondroglossus- also present nearly similar to hyoglossus but has separate fibers.

Note: All muscles of tongue supplied by Hypoglossal nerve except Palatoglossus.

Palatoglossus is supplied by pharyngeal plexus (formed by IX, X and superior cervical sympathetic ganglia).

Arterial supply​: ​
  Lingual artery- branch from anterior
                surface of external carotid artery.

3 branches:
    dorsal lingual,
    sublingual and
    deep lingual artery.

Venous Drainage​:​
   Lingual veins
   Joins facial and anterior division of
   Retromandibular vein to form common
   facial vein.
   Finally drains into Internal jugular vein.

Lymphatic Drainage​:​
  Lingual tonsils
  present in mucosa of pharyngeal part of
  dorsal surface Of tongue

 lymphatic vessels.

Anterior part drain in-
  marginal and central vessels
Posterior part drain in -
  Dorsal lymph vessels
Central part drain in-
  bilaterally- important to dissect both
  side in malignancy.

Finally all drain in submental, submandibular, jugulo-omohyoid and jugulo-digastric nodes.

Sensory Innervation of tongue (for general sensation):
Anterior 2/3rd-
    Lingual Nerve branch of mandibular
    division of trigeminal nerve.
Posterior 1/3rd-
    Glossopharyngeal nerve.
Near valleculae-
    Internal laryngeal branch of Vagus.

Salt( NaCl), Sour(acidic),Sweet(sugar), Bitter( quinine) and Umami( delicious taste)

Innervation of Tongue for Taste sensation​:
1. Chorda Tympani​-
   A branch of VIIth nerve, travels via
   Lingual nerve & supplies anterior
   part of tongue excluding circumvallate

Note: Lingual nerve gives only sensory innervation- no taste sensation.

2. Facial nerve​-
    also innervates inferior part of soft palate
    for taste sensation.

3. Glossopharyngeal nerve​-
    Taste sensation in circumvallate papillae,
    post sulcal part of Tongue , palatoglossal
    arch and oropharynx.

4. Vagus Nerve​-
    Extreme pharyngeal part of tongue and
    epiglottis via internal laryngeal branch.

Thank you all,
Questions and suggestions are always welcomed.

Dr. Rajesh Kumar
Department of Anatomy
AIIMS, New Delhi

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